Instructions for FCRA online registration under Sec. 6 of the FC(R) Act, 1976.
1. For online filing of application form a user ID is required to be created for online registration.
2. After successful registration applicant/user can login to the 'FCRA Online Services' and select the option for the type of application you wish to fill and click 'Login'. For online submission of application for Registration (FC-8 Form), select the option 'FC-8 Registration'.
3. After the successful login, FC-8 form will be displayed.
4. The FC-8 form has been divided in three parts to facilitate simple online filing of application for grant of Registration under Sec. 6 of the FC(R) Act, 1976.
5. Start with Click at 'Registration' of the menu item. Fill in the requisite details in the Form FC-8. Click 'Save details and Next' after filling the details, the details will be saved and next part is displayed to fill the details of Executive Committee/Governing Council, etc.
6. Fill in the details of the members of the Executive Committee/Governing Council etc. followed by click at button 'Add '. The details will be shown in the lower part of the screen.
Details shown in the lower portion of screen can be updated by clicking the 'Edit' link provided in the requisite row. The details will be shown in the top portion of the screen. Modify the details as needed followed by click on the 'Update' button. For deleting the details 'Delete' link of the requisite row may be clicked.
The details of all members of Executive Committee/Governing Council, etc. are necessary for submitting the application. After completing the details 'Save details and Next' may be clicked.
7. On filling the remaining details of the Form FC-8, the button 'Save and Final Submit to the Ministry' may be clicked to submit the application to Ministry of Home Affairs. Please note the file reference number appearing on the screen as acknowledgement and for further correspondence and online status enquiry.
8. Click 'Print Application' option of the menu item to print the filled-in Form FC-8. It will show the details filled by you. Printout of the same may be taken which needs to be signed and submitted to Ministry of Home Affairs with relevant enclosures expeditiously.
9. Enclose following documents, wherever applicable, along with the signed copy of application before submitting that to Ministry of Home Affairs.
i. Certified copy of Registration Certificate under the relevant statute, Memorandum of Association or Trust deed, as the case may be.
ii. Details of activities during the last three years.
iii. Copies of audited statement of accounts for the past three years (Assets and Liabilities, Receipts and Payment, Income and Expenditure account).
iv. If functioning as editor, owner, printer or publisher of a publication registered under the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, a certificate from the Press Registrar that the publication is not a newspaper in terms of section 1(1) of the said act.
v. Certificate of the competent authority on official status under signature and seal on prescribed format in original (this is optional). This certificate allows granting of registration and conducting field enquiry.
vi. Any additional information which applicant wishes to submit.
vii. Please attach all the enclosures and bind them with the application duly numbered starting from covering letter.
10. Furnish information exactly in the manner asked for in the Form FC-8, especially the names and addresses of the members of the Executive Committee/Governing Council etc.
11. Submit the hard copy of the completed application along with relevant documents within 15 days of submission of online application to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
12. Click 'Instructions for filing' to get the instructions regarding how to file and submit the FC-8 Form.
13. Click 'Change Password' of the menu to change your password. The new password will be effective from next login.
14. Click 'Logout' to stop using FCRA Online Services.