How to register with NITI Aayog NGO-DARPAN portal ?

On  Dec 1 2016,  the Indian government asked all the NGO to get registered  with NGO DARPAN. 

Now it is mandatory for all NGOs and voluntary organizations (VOs) to sign up on NGO-DARPAN portal to obtain a system-generated unique ID before applying for FCRA registration / renewal and receive grant-in-aid from ministries or departments of the central government. 

Procedure to register with NGO Darpan portal.

Step 1: Click on and “Sign Up with the portal.

Step 2: Create your  User ID and password.

Step 3: Fill all the NGO details according to the registration document.

Step 4: Fill in registration details.

Step 5: Fill if you have any multiple registrations.

Step 6: Select sector and issues the NGO is working on and also fill achievements section.

Step 7: Fill the address of the NGO and submit.

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